ABOUT – Berlin Street Photography

Berlin Street Photography HOME

I live in Berlin. Every city and town offers amazing opportunities to explore and discover the connections between daily living, and going out and enjoying your neighbourhood and city in a way that may not have occurred to you before.

Creativity is the basis of a lot of good things in life. Creative thinking is about making connections. Looking at things around you, exploring the city and putting ideas together helps the mind become more curious and therefore, more able to come up with meaningful ideas and emotional responses to everyday life.

Berlin Street Photography is a place where I write about Berlin and how living, walking, photographing the streets of Berlin creates space in life for creativity to expand and become real.

I hope these ideas help you to begin a journey that starts at your kitchen table with a few thoughts, a walk out the door, and an adventure into your outside environment to discover new feelings and emotional connection that make everyday life deeper and more meaningful.

Street Photography is a photography practice that offers easy access. Anybody can begin, a DSLR, Mobile Phone camera, or Mirrorless Digital camera, the tool is the mind, the camera is the machine – analogue or digital, doesn’t matter. You can explore, capture, and enjoy the thrill of street photography immediately.

Creativity will be the basis of any worthwhile outcome in thinking about these things, and therefore the motivating factor in moving forwards and creating a better life that offers wealth, spiritual-mental rewards, and a happier outlook in life in the area of friendships, money, and business.

If you can achieve those things in your life, then you are well on the way to happiness and an enjoyable lifestyle. I want to help you in each of these areas. To give you the necessary basis for thinking in effective ways that really cause changes in a powerful way.

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Email : seandurham50@gmail.com